आजीविका के नये साधन
ये है सीमा वैसे तो घरेलू कामगार है लेकीन कोरोना में इनका काम छूट गया घरेलू हिंसा की शिकार है कानून में तो 60 दिनों में न्याय का प्रावधान है लेकिन ये पिछले लगभग 10 सालों से इन्होंने सिर्फ कोर्ट के चक्कर काटे है खैर अब संगिनी के सहयोग से इन्होंने शाहपुरा चौराहे के पास सब्जी का ठेला लगाया है आप कभी गुजरे तो इनसे सब्जियां जरूर खरीदे सिर्फ सीमा ही नहीं इनके जैसी और भी महिलाए है जो छोटे छोटे रोजगार कर अपना और अपने बच्चों का जीवन यापन कर रही है हम इनके हौसलों को सलाम करते है ।
Sangini conducts various training focused on providing alternative livelihood options to domestic workers and other women and girls so they can have better source of livelihood in terms of monetary gain and getting more dignity and security. It provides them training and helps their placement as women drivers, receptionists, tailors, front office staff, care givers for infant and elders, beauticians, bus and van conductors, housekeeping, and catering and tiffin services. After these training lots of women living with better livelihood as driver, housekeepers, care giver, caterer, street vendors etc.

Care Giver: As demand of care givers is increasing day by day due to our rapid development and growth Sangini identified need to enhance specific skills with regard to care of elders and children so that they can fulfil the expectation of their employer and also get more employment opportunities on better wages. Sangini identified some candidates who were willing to work to provide care to infant and elders including differently abled persons. Training has been provided to 30 care givers at Sangini office. Six women were placed in homes for looking after patients, elders and children and even pet care. Sangini placed 15 candidates in homes for the caretaker of patient and baby care.

Women on Wings: This year 15 admissions were done for four-wheeler training. Initially training was imparted on traffic signs so that the participants could clear the exam and get learners’ licence. All required supporting documents were facilitated by Sangini so that licence can be easily prepared. After that regular driving practice was conducted by the organization which included practical training as well as classroom training including technical and empowerment training. To build up the confidence of these women some driving sessions were taken by the Samman Society who is facilitating creation of women drivers in Indore. During their sessions they shared their experience and also took test of Sangini drivers and provided feedback. Two women were being placed in the profession of driving with other household work, one woman has purchased her own personal vehicle and doing work of dropping the children from school to their homes, one woman has been placed at Sangini as an instructor and another woman is driving an auto rickshaw.

Two-wheeler Training: Due to limited facilities of transportation women and girls face problem in commuting to their workplace. They shared their problem with us and they showed interest to learn two wheeler. Sangini started providing two-wheeler training to community women and girls. Till now 30 women and girls have been trained and it has made their mobility easy.

Bicycle Training: Sangini has given training to 30 young women and girls to ride bicycles and provided them bicycles at community level so they can use them for their mobility.

Support to Start-up: We are supporting community economically, providing them material support in guidance to women to establish their own start up like food cart, vegetable cart, small shop, selling from home, kiosk centre, taxi service, stitching services, etc.